The final report and supplemental appendices have been completed for the South Valley Transit Study. The final report includes:
Transit study process and findings
Public involvement summary
Details about the Locally Preferred Alternative, including steps for implementation
Download the full final report and appendices at the links below.


The South Valley Transit Study team has identified a Locally Preferred Alternative that includes extending the commuter rail (FrontRunner) from Provo to Payson and adding express bus service from Payson to Santaquin.
This decision was made by looking at factors such as transit ridership, land use, economic development, cost and potential impacts to the natural and built environments. The findings from this detailed evaluation and public input aided in the selection of the Locally Preferred Alternative.
Visit the Detailed Alternative page to learn more about the specific evaluation findings.
Refinements to the Locally Preferred Alternative will be considered based on public input and additional technical analysis before being advanced to further engineering in an environmental study.

The public was invited to participate in an online public meeting held Thursday, Oct. 21, to discuss the Locally Preferred Alternative. A recording of the online meeting and the meeting presentation are posted below.​

The Cities of Provo, Springville, Mapleton, Spanish Fork, Salem, Payson and Santaquin, in collaboration with Mountainland Association of Governments (MAG), Utah Transit Authority (UTA), and Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT), have initiated the South Valley Transit Study to evaluate options for providing high-capacity transit service in the southern portion of Utah County, between Provo and Santaquin.
Why explore additional transit options?
By 2050, Utah County is expected to nearly double in population, adding 660,000 more people and surpassing 1.3 million people total. Planning ahead for this growth is imperative to meet current and future transportation demands.
The purpose of the study is to evaluate and recommend future transit corridors that would meet the transportation needs in the area. The outcome of this study will be the development of a "Locally Preferred Alternative" for transit service. The Locally Preferred Alternative will identify the transit alignment (corridor and locations to be served) and the transit mode (e.g., commuter rail, light rail, bus rapid transit, express bus, etc.).
The Locally Preferred Alternative identifies:
A general route.
Approximate stop locations.
The type of transit to be implemented.
The Locally Preferred Alternative is not:
The end of the study process. Following completion, the study will advance to an environmental process where additional engineering and design will take place.
Final approval to move forward with implementation.
In addition, near term-transit investments and phased service options will be explored in this study to bridge the gap between existing transit service and full implementation of the Locally Preferred Alternative.


The study process consists of the following distinct steps:
Establish Project Context: Collecting data and developing an understanding of the transportation, land use, and growth conditions within the study area.
Determine Purpose and Need: Documenting why the project is being considered and what the desired outcomes are of the proposed project.
Identify Range of Alternatives: Developing different ways the purpose and need for the project can be achieved.
Perform Initial Alternative Screening: Evaluating factors such as land use, economic development, transit ridership, capital and operating costs, community and environmental considerations, and public and stakeholder outreach to determine the best options.
Conduct a Detailed Alternative Screening: Refining the remaining alternatives and evaluating in greater detail to inform the selection of the Locally Preferred Alternative.
Develop Implementation Plan: Examining base factors such as ridership, cost, and funding strategies to explore potential phasing scenarios and to develop an implementation plan.

Contact the study team with questions or comments at: