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Project FAQs coming soon.

What is a Purpose and Need?A study's Purpose and Need defines the objectives to be achieved and describes the underlying problems or conditions that the study should address.The Purpose and Need is used to help guide decisions about alternatives that should be considered and helps measure their performance. Learn more about the specific Purpose and Need of the South Valley Transit study here.
How can I stay informed?Contact the study team with questions or comments at: HOTLINE: 385-355-3133 EMAIL: In addition, this website will be updated at key milestones to provide additional information and updates on the study's progress and findings. Sign up for regular email updates here.
What area does the study encompass?The study area spans from Provo to Santaquin, generally following I-15. The primary communities of focus in this study are Provo, Springville, Spanish Fork, Payson and Santaquin. The communities of Mapleton and Salem are also considered as adjacent communities that would be served by a future high-capacity transit investment.
What is the timeline of the study?The study started in October 2020 with gathering data and having discussions with study partners to understand their concerns and interests. The study team is using the information from these initial steps to develop an understanding of the study area's context and transportation needs. The following are anticipated dates for other key project milestones: December 2020: Determine the Purpose and Need. Identify initial range of alternatives or options. Spring 2021: Initial alternative screening. Summer 2021: Detailed alternative screening and Locally Preferred Alternative selection. The community will have an opportunity to provide feedback throughout the study and at these key milestones.
Who is funding the study?Five Cities in Utah County (Provo, Springville, Spanish Fork, Payson, and Santaquin); Utah Transit Authority (UTA) and Mountainland Association of Governments (MAG) have contributed to the funding of the study. Additional funding would be needed to advance the study to the next phases.
What are the opportunities for public input?Public input is essential in shaping the study. During the course of the study, there will be formal comment periods that provide opportunities for the public to share ideas and provide comments. Comments can be submitted through the study survey, by sending us an email or through our study hotline. If you would like to receive study updates, please subscribe to email updates here.
What are the next steps after this study?An environmental study will be initiated following the conclusion of this planning effort in late 2021. An environmental study will look at the Locally Preferred Alternative in greater detail to assess potential impacts to the built and natural environments. As part of the environmental study, additional engineering and design will take place to further define the transit corridor and station locations. Throughout the environmental study, there will be additional opportunities for public involvement.
What is the Sharp-Tintic rail realignment project and how is it related to this study?The Sharp-Tintic Railroad Connection project is a collaboration of UTA, Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT), Union Pacific Railroad, MAG, Springville, and Spanish Fork. This project will build approximately 7,400 linear feet of new railroad tracks connecting the Sharp and Tintic Railroad corridors within the Cities of Springville and Spanish Fork in Utah County. This connection will improve local community access and safety. More information about the Sharp-Tintic Railroad Connection project can be found here. Although this is a separate effort from the South Valley Transit Study, the implementation of this rail realignment will benefit the communities in southern Utah County by making a future extension of the UTA FrontRunner commuter rail service more feasible.
What is the status of the 8th South interchange project?More information to come.
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